A random but important thought.

 I don't want to live a life just based on endless consumptions of whatever the media/ society/ 7% of the wealthiest people in the world feed me with. 

I don't want to scroll Instagram where 99% of the posts are just "ads" that influencers create to fertilize and catalyze the era of "CONSUMPTION". 

I don't want to make my decisions based on only "influences" of other people for me to want or need something to complete my life. 

I don't want to be influenced to think that I am incomplete, I am imperfect, and I need a certain object to make myself feel whole. 

I don't want to live in a world where we are judged by how much we own, what we own or how we appear in social media. 

I don't want to live in a society where people only do certain actions to give a specific impression, to gain a certain reaction from others. 


I want to live a life so fulfilled, that it is painted by the wonderful colours of what it already has, and what it truly is. 

I want to scroll my Instagram and enjoy creativity and realness from people that truly inspire us, not just "subliminally influencing us to buy more things" 

I want to make my decision based on what is true, based on real experiences, and the raw uncertainty in life. 

I want to be reminded that everyone is imperfect and that is okay, that we are already complete without a certain materialistic object, that we are human and we are whole. 

I want to live in a world where we are never judged by our materialistic wealth but we are appreciated and seen from the eyes of sincerity, and we are equally seen and understood. I want to live in a world where we have no fear of being who we truly are, inside and out and every personality shines through. 

I want to live in a society where people do what they truly want to do, and not doing things for a show, for approval/appraisal from people who didn't matter, and people are always sincere and true to themselves in both their actions and reactions. 


What kind of world do you want to live in? What kind of person do you want to be? What is the life that you want to live? That is up to you :)

    So, I guess we can only first change how we are to change the world and life we have. 

