disappointing truths. (I'm so sorry)
How do you tell somebody that you're not feeling okay? When you're constantly being told that you are too sad, too depressed, worrying too much, having too much of negativity, living in fear and anxiety.... You find yourself repeating the same pattern, stuck in the same cycle , realizing that sharing about it and pouring it out won't help. In those moments it felt like everything was taken away from you. The ability to feel happiness, or sadness just turns into numb in your fingers and toes and even in your heart. As if you lost all your senses to taste anything. The previous anxiety robbed you off the joy in things you used to enjoy or feel happy doing. After that, all you feel is just reluctancy to even say a word. You want to shout and scream but if that doesn't make anything better, why bother trying? Anyone ask you how are you and you're afraid to disappoint people with your truth and what's on your mind, so you just smile and say it's fine. Being s...